Welcome to billyhatescustard.co.uk

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Grown ups birthday
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Wedding Photographs

 Thanks for checking out my website.  I can't believe how time has flown and how many cakes were missing from here. So Check out some of the newer cakes and some of my favourites.



 I haven't had any other TV appearances since 'Don't Tell the Bride' in 2007, but thanks to repeats I am well over my 15 minutes of fame.
 As I get older I seem to like adding detail, which makes the cake that much more personal. I think my favourite at the moment has to be the Beatrix Potter 1st birthday cake  for Sam and Dave's baby Esme, but the minion cake for Ceri and Dan's  little minion Rhys is definitely running a close second.
So I hope you enjoy looking at my latest cakes, and if you would like to put a face to Billy who really does HATE custard: he and my lovely god- daughter are on the 'Wedding Photos' link in the list to the left to see my husband's photos from their big day

 So please checkout my website, not forgetting the names paintings I also produce and if you would like more information: contact me on stuff@billyhatescustard.co.uk